Race Recap – Cape Cod Marathon Half

WOW, it has officially been over 3 months since I last blogged – crazy!

I’ve gone back and forth several times debating whether I’d try to pick it back up again or if life has taken a big enough shift with starting PT school that maybe it was time to retire the blog and have one less thing on my plate.  But, when it comes down to it, I really do love having my race recaps to look back on and I’ve documented every race I’ve run to date, so if nothing else I want to continue with my race recaps – and if I can find time for more, then great!  I’m setting a goal for myself to post at least once a week moving forward to see if I can get back in the habit of blogging regularly and we’ll go from there!

I’ll post a general update soon, but let’s just say life has been busy!  PT school is great, but it doesn’t leave time for much else!

Jason and I had registered for the Cape Cod Marathon Half over the summer and I had basically been doing just enough running to get myself through a half marathon.  I really had no time goals in mind going into this race, I just wanted to have an overall better run than my last half back in May (which was MISERABLE!).

The morning of the race Jason and I met up with our friends Jen & Kyle – man have I missed our Cape Cod running friends since we moved to Boston!


Kyle had been experiencing some recent foot pain, and I wasn’t interested in pursuing any sort of time goal, so we decided to stick together and just make it a nice relaxed run (we picked up a few other run club friends along the way – seriously I love the Cape Cod running community!).


We ran, we chatted, we had a great time and we enjoyed the amazing coastal scenery that lined most of the course – honestly, we just had fun!  A major difference from my last half marathon where I spent a lot of time walking and on the verge of tears wondering why I put myself through such torture!  It was just what I needed, a comeback race that wasn’t anything spectacular time wise, but reminded me WHY I enjoy being a part of the running community.


Overall this was a great small local race and Jason and I are already talking about doing their “Chowder Challenge” next year, the half on Saturday and the full Sunday – you actually get a chowder bowl and spoon “medal” for completing it!


Next up, Jason and I ran “Falmouth in the Fall”, but not before a little night before the race drama – recap headed your way soon!  (And thanks for sticking around!)

7 thoughts on “Race Recap – Cape Cod Marathon Half

  1. Glad to know you’re still exercising while in PT school! That is my big goal one day so I love reading about students who are in it and what their lives are like during school lol. Awesome post :)) that run is so pretty!

    • Oh you definitely should if you ever get the chance! The Falmouth Road Race really is great, but it’s a bigger race and it’s always SO hot, the Cape Cod Marathon and Half are nice smaller races with a very local feel. I’m happy to help you chose one if you ever need!

  2. It’s always nice to have a race without expectations. It reminds me of the fun and why I keep signing up. If all I have is to finish the race, I enjoy it so much more.

    • Same! I’ve come to the realization that some of my most fun races are my slowest and some of my fastest are my most miserable! I guess we all run for different reasons and PR’s clearly is not my reason! : )

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